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Below is a collection of articles on climate justice.

6 June 2024  |  

New Report of First Nations Energy Justice and land rights

A new report analyses the energy justice and land rights issues in the Australian Capital Territory media...

28 November 2023  |  

New Report: Export emissions continue to rise

In the lead up to COP28 Conference in Dubai a new report by UK and Australian academics reveals that coal, oil and gas exports from Australia, Canada, Norway and the USA amount to 11percent of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2020 – which dwarf their domestic emission (except for the US) - and a...

8 November 2023  |  

Australia’s overseas climate aid needs to increase

‘If you break it, fix it’– Australia’s obligation to take responsibility for climate harm in our region     High on the list of issues at this week’s Pacific Islands Forum in the Cook Islands will be responding to climate change and whether Australia is doing our fair sh...

1 December 2022  |  

Australia’s global greenhouse emissions escalate with rise in coal and gas exports

The latest export figures released in October by the Chief Economist show that Australia continues to be the one of the world’s largest fossil fuel exporters. At nearly 200 mega tonnes we are the second largest exporter of thermal coal after Indonesia, and at 81mega tonnes we are the equal large...

1 December 2022  |  

Disaster Insurance needs a ‘Medicare style’ approach

Dec 1 Insurance horrors will escalate without a fairer home insurance model We must prepare to experience extreme weather events like damaging floods, bushfires and cyclones into the future – according to the latest CSIRO State of the Climate report out this week, while hundreds of thousand...

22 November 2022  |  

Australia and COP27

The COP27 meeting in Egypt must ultimately be judged a failure. While the inclusion of loss and damage in the final deal was a step forward, we can’t ignore that after nearly 30 years of COP the world still can’t agree to phase out fossil fuels as part of the agreements. The 636 representativ...

18 November 2022  |  

COP26 leaves too many loopholes

For the Glasgow climate summit to be judged a success, a key outcome had to be that parties agree the majority of the world’s fossil fuel reserves need to be left in the ground. As recent research suggests, 89% of coal and 59% of gas reserves need to stay in the ground if there’s to be even a...

18 November 2022  |  

To walk the talk on climate, Labor must come clean about the future for coal and gas

Australia’s climate election has been won. Now comes the harder part. It’s now entirely possible we could see a government committed to domestic climate action, speeding up the exit of coal and gas from our grid and electrifying transport –while still exporting vast quantities of fossil fu...

18 November 2022  |  

Closing the Mt Arthur coal mine

Mt Arthur the canary of stranded assets The decision by BHP to decommission NSW’s largest coal mine, Mt Arthur, 15 years early has huge significance well beyond the Hunter valley, local residents and employees and the company itself. This mine closure is a test of whether governments and th...

11 November 2022  |  

Global Carbon Budget 2022 shows no sign of decrease in global CO2 emissions

Global Carbon Budget 2022 shows no sign of decrease in global CO2 emissions Instead of being on track to reduce emissions, the latest data from The Global Carbon Budget (2022) shows global fossil CO2 emissions are projected to rise by 1.0% in 2022. The report says that if current emissions lev...

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